Harvest Time:Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Parsley |
Lightning Round - desperate resource used by a lazy blogger (read:me). In my defense I have so much stuff I want to share I don't want to wait until I have a full topic. So without further ado here's the Container Gardening in Puerto Rico first official lightning round (the first unofficial lightning round, called speed round then, can be be found in
After the Storm).
- We've been harvesting fruits and herbs for quite some time but we haven't shared any pictures yet. Here's one for your viewing pleasure.
- A few days ago we went to our favorite nursery and learned a few things about the Payasito. The plant is indeed an annual so it wasn't our fault that it died. We also learned that inside the flower pods there are small seeds that mature when the pod dries out. Usually the seeds fall to the ground and new plants emerge without doing anything. Funny (or maybe sad) thing is I've been pulling little plants where the Payasito died thinking it was just weed (no, not that kind of weed, the bad kind). I've probably been killing little Payasito seedlings! But I've learned my lesson. There are 3 little plants emerging in the area which I'll let them be. Hopefully one of them is a Payasito.
- We have a few additions to our garden. Two flowering plants and three cacti. Pictures coming soon.
- Miniature roses have been blooming for quite some time. We currently have two in full bloom with more on the way.
- We had to transplant our mint because it was drying and re-blooming every few weeks because its pot was too shallow (about 2 inches in depth). We recommend between 4-6 inches of soil depth for good growth.
- Our lettuce is beginning to bloom. Hopefully we'll have some seeds in a few days.
- Last bullet. Redemption. We have a new seedling of lupine, the only plant we've managed to kill. Hopefully, second time is the charm.
Finally, we have a secret weapon against
the birds that steal our tomatoes. We cannot reveal what it is at the moment since it hasn't been deployed yet. We're waiting for just the right time. The birds will never know what hit them (*insert maniacal evil laughter*).
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