Today's title is a little homage to one of the most iconic moment in a famous superhero's history. One of the first stories in which readers could influence the outcome. If you know what this story is, consider yourself a geek. Now back to our regular programming.
Payasito, you'll be remembered |
Even though most things are going great in our little container garden there are always setbacks. These setbacks happen to everyone and I wanted to share ours with you, our faithful reader, so you don't feel alone when things go wrong. Last week we went for a long weekend to Punta Guilarte (not recommended btw) to spend some quality time with Jessica's family. We decided to move our plants inside (except for the cucumbers) since we wouldn't be able to water them. In retrospect this was the correct move since the plants would've dried out if left outside. However, there were consequences. Our lupin(e) seedling (which we first mentioned in our
After the storm post) did not survive the lack of sunlight and water. Also, our cucumbers suffered a bit from the lack of water and about half of the leaves died. The plants did survive though and produced two beautiful cucumbers during this time. Also, our payasito died during this time. Although to be quite honest it may be pure coincidence since the plant had been in decline for the past few weeks. Lesson: Always research plants before you buy them. For all we know the payasito could be an annual that dies right after flowering, who knows?
Not all is bad news though. We continue harvesting cherry tomatoes on an almost daily basis and we're getting cucumbers every week. We also planted some lupine seeds to replace our lost seedling. So have you had any setbacks which frustrated you? Please share them with us in the comments section.
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