
Friday, March 16, 2012

New Seeds on the Block

New seeds on the block
It's that time of the year when I go crazy and purchase a bunch of seeds that I probably shouldn't have. But who's there to stop me? *Insert maniacal laughter* I was interested in growing some peppers which I couldn't find locally so I took my talents online (Insider joke for our basketball enthusiast readers). After a few days of research I settled on (reserving final judgment on the site for now but so far so good). I ordered the following seeds:
  • Chocolate Beauty Pepper
  • Golden California Pepper
  • Horizon Orange Pepper
  • Purple Beauty Pepper
  • Scarlet Nantes Carrots
  • Beefsteak Tomato
  • Garlic Chives
  • Sage
  • Red Burgundy Onion
  • White Sweet Spanish Onion
  • Yellow Pear Tomato
This will be our first time trying out onions and carrots which has us very excited about these seeds. Not to mention the possibility of having four different pepper colors available for stir fries, and tomatoes for salads, sandwiches and burgers. *Yum*

As mentioned in our previous post (our first product review) we planted the seeds in Jiffy's Seed Starting Mix®. After almost two weeks everything but the sage, and the golden and purple peppers has sprouted. Not bad considering we usually plant a single seed per tray location. I'm still hopeful that the remaining peppers will sprout since the reason I purchased the seeds online was to get a purple pepper plant. Yesterday I (Jessica is sick so no "we" this week) transplanted the tomatoes and the peppers since the Jiffy mix doesn't contain any nutrients and these have a tendency to grow quickly in our warm weather. Lesson from our personal experience: Leaving fast growing seedlings in the mix too long will cause stunted growth and poor yield. In a few days I plan on transplanting the onions, carrots, and chives. If everything goes well we should have carrots and peppers in two months, tomatoes in 3 months, and onions in 4-5 months. Stay tuned to monitor the progress of the new seeds on the block and for more on container gardening in Puerto Rico.

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