
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Scarecrow is the new Metal Chicken

As you should know, because you always follow our blog, we had a problem with a crazy bird the other day; the bird was unmercifully taking our tomatoes. Well, the problem is still present; we have lost several additional tomatoes, snif, snif. So we have been thinking of ways to control our foes and we actually found an elegant way of solving the problem.

There are available wire nets that you can place surrounding your plants. You can also use a fabric mesh that protects your fruits and vegetables. They are not very expensive, and less of an eye sore than the wire nets. You can wrap your fruits or vegetables with these and they’ll ripe as usual. And remember you could also take advantage of your trellis. But why go elegant when you can go fun, right?

Enrique Iglesias
Joel and I were at Home Depot picking some things for the apartment and of course, for our garden, and I was joking with Joel that we should get a scarecrow to get rid of all the birds. And awesomely, there it was: a 9 foot scarecrow! “We should totally get it!”

Inspecting it closely we noticed it has glowing eyes. Glowing eyes! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We then remembered our fellow blogger and personal heroine: The Bloggess. (Editor's note: Jessica meant her personal heroine. That crazy woman shouldn't be any man's heroine. Although I must admin she's very funny.) We remember all the joy Beyonce has brought to so many lives (if you are unfamiliar with this you should really start weighting your priorities in life, go here and read it, you’ll understand).

So we embarked in the task of taking a giant scarecrow home. Luckily, giant scarecrow makers know most of us have tiny cars and they manufactured it in two detachable parts. So Enrique Iglesias, that is the name of our giant scarecrow, went home comfortably laying down in the back seat of the car.

Now Enrique Iglesias is guarding our tomatoes with his life. I don’t think any bird will dare eat anything else from our garden but they might well as try it and behold the power of the glowing eyes… or the awful singing, we really don’t know if our Enrique sings as bad as the original. Did I said bad, I meant... special.

Joel said it all when he declared: “If laughing could always be so cheap, I’d buy a scarecrow every day.”

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