
Sunday, August 14, 2011

The more the merrier - Arugula!

Our Arugula seedling
We have a new addition to our garden! Arugula!

Arugula, also known as rocket or roquette, is a garden salad commonly used in Italian cuisine.  Although not as common in Puerto Rico as lettuce or spinach it is beginning to show up with more frequency in fine dining restaurants. It has a sharp, peppery flavor which differs dramatically from other salad greens. I would recommend planting Arugula in fall, winter, or early spring as it has a tendency to bolt (produce seeds) quickly in summer. If you want to grow it in summer find a shaded area under a large plant such as a tomato. To harvest just cut a few leaves and the plant will grow some more.

Keep tuned to follow the progress of this tiny Arugula and for more info on growing container gardens in Puerto Rico.

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