
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

After the storm

So it seems I jinxed myself. Two days ago I posted that Irene wouldn't stop us unless the internet went out. Guess what. The internet went out... for two days. Lesson learned: Choose your words carefully.

Speed round today
  • Our plants are ok. We moved them outside today and they seem happy. 
  • We're keeping inside the tomato that was broken to speed up its recovery. So far it's looking like it will recover. 
  • On Saturday we picked our first cucumbers. They measured approximately 6 inches. They were delicious.
  • Peppers continue growing. We have three growing right now with a bunch of flowers on each plant.
  • Tomatoes keep growing too.  Hopefully we will be able to harvest them in a few weeks.
  • We have a new addition to the garden: Lupin (aka Lupine). Lupin is a tall flowering plant that comes in many colors.
That's all for today. Our next post will be about fertilizers unless a storm pushes us off track again.

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